We’re getting ready for the Pop, Rock & Doo Wop concert coming up on March 23rd at FAU. Make sure you mark your calendars.

Next Show: Friday, March 22nd 2019

Regular showtime: 12:30 PM to 3:00 PM.

Topic for the show:  Pop, Rock and Doo Wop.

I’ll be playing all the music from the 50s and 60s and I’ll be promoting the concert that is coming up on March 23rd which is at FAU, called Pop, Rock & Doo Wop, hosted by Cousin Brucie.


  • Lou Christie
  • The Flamingos
  • Jay and The Americans
  • The Belmonts
  • Leaders of the Pack of Vito Picone of the Elegants
  • Emil Stucchio of the Classics
  • Larry Chance of the Earls,
  • Joey Dee of the Starliters.

Special guest : Joseph Mirrione who hosted the Pop, Rock and Doo wop show will be calling in at 1 PM and we will be talking about the doo wop show, the artists and the music from the 50s and 60s.

For more information on Joseph Mirrione, make sure to visit his website.

Important Scheduling News

My show is growing!

From humble beginnings of one show a week, I am so very happy that we know have two weekly shows:

Monday  and Friday.

Listening hours are the same: 12:30 to 3 PM.

Make sure you mark your calendar!

Pop, Rock and Doo Wop.

Missed a show?

We’ve recorded a bunch for you. Choose from the list below, hit play, relax and enjoy.

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We’re on Facebook!!!

And we would love it if you would take a second of your time to like us there.


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