It’s Beatles Time!

Stay tuned for our next show this coming Friday.

Next Show: Friday June 7th. 2019

Regular showtime: 11:30 PM to 2:00 PM.

Topic for the show:  Beatles Books.

I’ll be talking about the many biography books on the Beatles discussing their life, music and career, including their solo careers, the albums, their tours and others.

Calling in guests:

  1. Terry Crain, who wrote NEMS and the Business of Selling Beatles Merchandise in the US 1964-1966, which is about officially licensed Beatles items in the US between 1964-1966. NEMS was the name of the management company that licensed the amazing fab and gear objects in the sixties.
  2. Susan Shumsky who wrote Maharishi & Me: Seeking Enlightenment with the Beatles Guru
  3. Jude Southerland Kessler on her book series on John Lennon.

Important Scheduling News

The Spring Semester at Lynn University is over!

But the music never stops and we will continue to broadcast every Friday until the Fall when our regular broadcasting schedule will return.

Want to hear a previous broadcast!

We will be uploading the best of the best of our past shows on a weekly basis.

Make sure you mark your calendar!

Beatles Books

Missed a show?

We’ve recorded a bunch for you. Choose from the list below, hit play, relax and enjoy.

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Shout from the past

The Spring Semester at Lynn University may be over!

But the music never dies! In this new section, we will be posting a weekly recording of one of our past shows:

Soft Rock and Easy Listening: Show of Feb 15th 2019

The 55th Anniversary of the year of 1954: Show of February 8th 2019

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